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5 Tips for Choosing Insurance:

    1. Get to know the best life insurance products

    Before choosing the best life insurance, you must first recognize the insurance product. You need to know that there are four best types of life insurance in Indonesia, namely: • Term Life Insurance • Lifetime Insurance, • Dual Purpose Life Insurance • Unit Link Life Insurance

    2. Adjust premiums to financial capabilities

    After deciding to choose the best type of life insurance in Indonesia, now is the time for you to determine the premium range. Premium is a budget that you have to spend every month to pay for insurance.

    Adjust the premium amount for your monthly budget. Ideally, the allocation of funds to pay for the best life insurance is 10-20% of the total monthly income. So if your monthly income is IDR 10 million, then you can take a maximum premium of IDR 1 million per month.

    3. Know the amount of the sum insured It's also called life insurance, of course there will be a sum assured. The amount of the sum insured is very much related to the premium paid. The higher the premium paid, usually the higher the sum assured. But there are also high premiums, but the sum insured is very small. This usually happens because the benefits of premiums are divided into two, namely for savings or investments such as the type of dual purpose life insurance and unit link life insurance.

4. Pay attention to the insurance company's track record

Now is the time for you to choose an insurance company. When choosing an insurance company, choose one that has high credibility. You can see this from the insurance company's track record. Are there certain awards given over the past few years? The award can be an indication that the life insurance company has a good track record in the eyes of the public.

In addition, the best life insurance companies in Indonesia are also supervised by OJK (Financial Services Authority) and registered on RBC (Risk Based Capital).

5. Make sure the best licensed life insurance agent

Not all agents offering insurance to you are the official agents of the best life insurance companies. There are agents who only apply as brokers or intermediaries. So before buying the best life insurance, first make sure that the insurance agent that offers you is an agent that has an AAJI license (Indonesian Life Insurance Association). The best life insurance agent that has an AAJI license can be responsible for helping you when there are administrative constraints or obstacles during the process.